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4th June 2020
9:00 am
How to be a “Good Colleague”: Strategies for Contributing and Creating a Positive Library Workplace Environment
Within academic libraries, we often hear the imperative to be a “good colleague,” with the implication that we all share a definition of what this means in practice. Particularly in our current climate, collegiality as a construct must be reconsidered through the lens of equity, diversity, and inclusion; historic practices no longer are adequate. Collegiality is an evolving value; what was once a more passive construct now requires us to show up for each other in more meaningful, and often more challenging, ways. In this workshop, we will unpack the term “collegiality” and examine what it means to be a library worker who actively creates and contributes to spaces that encourage and support diversity of thought and experience.
Using the framework of an active and inclusion-oriented definition of collegiality, we will explore and practice a variety of person-centered strategies that can contribute to a positive and open working environment. Some techniques will be small and easy(ish) to implement, like waiting longer for questions; some strategies will require a larger commitment to change, like providing meaningful feedback and changing the feedback culture to include many low-stakes conversations. Throughout the workshop, we will introduce frameworks for intentionally contributing to a culture of respect, ask participants to reflect and share their experiences, and work through a variety of real-life scenarios via group discussion, role play, and modeling. Additionally, we will discuss the development of a reflective practice as a method of self-led professional development to allow further insight on these topics.
No matter your role in an institution, you can meaningfully contribute to redefining what it means to be a colleague and building an institutional culture of respect. Whether a seasoned manager or a new staff member, everyone will gain concrete skills in this workshop to try out in their own environments.
Library Organizing 101: Advocating for our students and ourselves
It is a common phrase in unionized academic library environments that “library working conditions are student learning conditions.” How can we as library workers advocate for our students and ourselves by protecting our physical, economic, and intellectual working conditions? In this session, a panel of representatives from the California State University Employee Union (CSUEU), the California Faculty Association (CFA), the University Council of the American Federation of Teachers (UC-AFT), and a California community college will discuss workplace issues, trends in libraries that may change our future working environment, and any other concerns that may be common to represented library workers in the state of California. Attendance at this pre-conference is freely available to all currently active members of CSUEU, CFA, UC-AFT, or their local community college bargaining unit.
10:45 am
Accessibility and the Ethics of Care: An Interactive Workshop for Creating Accessible Word Documents, PDFs, and Web Content
Are the materials in your library accessible to people with disabilities? How do you know? According to the CDC, up to one in four adults in the United States has some type of disability, whether visible or invisible. Legally, libraries must provide equivalent access to our services and materials in order to comply with federal and state regulations. However, the reasons for providing equivalent access to our patrons go beyond needing to comply with the law; libraries must ensure all of our patrons are able to find, access, and use the information they need. This workshop is geared to those who routinely create any information sources that are meant to be distributed — whether online or in-person. If you create Word documents, PDFs, or publish material on the web, then this workshop is for you.
Formatting materials for accessibility and Universal Design share common elements. This workshop will introduce participants to both concepts and incorporate interactive exercises with foundational theories. Workshop attendees will be provided with an overview of relevant legal regulations, given a selection of commonly-available tools and resources necessary to learn the basics of accessibility formatting, and have the opportunity to practice making Word documents, PDFs, and web content accessible.
During the interactive portion of the workshop, attendees will work to apply their learning by revising an item from their home institution in order to make it more accessible to their users. Presenters will provide guidance in the form of in-person feedback as well as step-by-step instructions of the basic elements of document, PDF, and web content accessibility. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have identified resources and partners in their existing networks who can assist in making library resources more accessible and will have made in-roads into being one of those resources in their networks themselves.
Project Outcome for Academic Libraries: Data for Impact and Improvement
In this interactive workshop sponsored by the Association of College
& Research Libraries, attendees will learn how to use Project
Outcome for Academic Libraries ( It
provides academic libraries of any size the means to easily measure
learning outcomes, to analyze their data with interactive dashboards,
and to use that data as the basis for continuous improvements and
advocacy. Users also have access to the resources and training support
needed to use their results and confidently assert the value of their
academic library.
The toolkit helps libraries measure four key
learning outcomes – knowledge, confidence, application, and awareness –
across seven library program and service areas. The survey topics cover:
Instruction, Events/Programs, Research, Teaching Support, Digital &
Special Collections, Space, and Library Technology. The standardized
surveys allow libraries to aggregate their outcome data and analyze
trends over time by service area and program type. Libraries can also
benchmark their outcomes against other users by Carnegie class and
nationwide. ACRL’s Project Outcome for Academic Libraries launched in
April 2019 and is free for all academic and research libraries in the
United States and internationally.
The workshop focuses on
helping library staff learn how they can implement outcome measurement
at their library and the benefits of adding it to their assessment
portfolio. Prior to the workshop we recommend that participants register
for Project Outcome, review basic materials in the toolkit, and
consider a goal for outcome measurement at their library.
1:15 pm
President’s Awards, Welcome, and Posters
This year, instead of a synchronous poster session, the posters will be available to view online. We will update the Poster Sessions page with the links to these files as we near the conference.
1:30 pm
Keynote Plenary – Knowledge is Power: How Disinformation Helps Fascist Regimes and Good Information Ends Them
When I was at Snopes, I discovered that Facebook was doing large-scale
manipulation of human behavior using algorithms and it was destroying
democratic efforts in Myanmar by reopening barely-healed historical
wounds. I realized over time that was happening all over the world, and
that is deliberate. I believe that exposure is the only way to fight
back, and that knowledge is power. By knowing how this works, those of
us working in the field of information and debunking disinformation can
fight back with thorough, vetted, and responsive information. We are the
last bulwark against authoritarianism, and journalists and librarians
have never been more crucial to, quite literally, the future of the
2:15 pm
Policy and Advocacy Work For Academic Library Workers: A Round Table Discussion
Curious about the current discussions in policy and advocacy trends in
the library world? Heard about the #eBooksForAll campaign or Digital
Equity Act 2019? This round table discussion centers on how all academic
library workers can support advocacy and policy development work in
their respective communities and/or nationally. The discussion will
cover the opportunities and resources in developing one’s advocacy
background, particularly for higher education. Whether you are new or
experienced in these areas, we welcome all library workers to share
their experiences and perspectives on policy development and advocacy
work. All attendees are welcome to learn more ways to get involved.
2:45 pm
Critical Collection Analysis: Exploring Author Data in Bibliographic Records
How would a researcher use your library catalog to find
books by women scholars? Or playscripts by LGBTQ writers? This presentation
explores ways that librarians can understand their collections in more nuanced
ways, beyond simply titles, subjects, and publication dates. Hear about two
current projects at the UC Irvine Libraries are focused on analyzing author
data in bibliographic records.
The “Playscript Order Diversity Audit” collected demographic
data, such as gender, sexuality, and nationality, for playwrights of playscripts
published in FY2011 and FY2019. This data was analyzed to determine purchasing
trends for the UCI Libraries as compared to student body demographics. The data
for collected plays was also compared to the demographics of all playwrights
who were published in these same years to determine if the UCI items were
representative of what was actually available for acquisition. Throughout the
process, the librarian grappled with issues surrounding collecting demographic
data that wasn’t self-reported.
For the larger scale, the “Bibliographic Records as Research
Project,” a team of four librarians analyzed 150,000 records representing
monographs in the catalog with the call numbers C-F, with the initial intention
of finding out how many were written by women. The group also wanted to do so
mindfully, thinking about whether or not it is possible to accurately and
ethically identify an author as a woman based a name alone, and if so, what
methods librarians and scholars could use to do so.
Finding My Brave: Presentation Tips and Tricks for the Timid at Heart
We all know that presenting at a conference is a desirable––and sometimes required––part of our jobs. But presenting can be fraught with all the anxiety and pitfalls that come with any public speaking. We at the California Academic Reference Librarians Discussion Interest Group-South (CARLDIG-S) are here to help you along the way! In the spirit of embracing courage, candor, and authenticity, a diverse group of presenters from the 2018 and 2019 CARLDIG-S Fall Programs will share the joys and travails of developing and delivering presentations. How do you manage a group presentation when the time-keeper tells you there’s only three minutes left? What happens if you’re afraid your lightning round isn’t electrifying? What if you’re asked to build a twenty-minute talk when all you thought all you could handle was five minutes? What to do about post-performance anxiety? Participating in a CARL interest group affords you the opportunity to develop important leadership and presentation skills in an intimate forum among friends. During this showcase, we will employ a “shift and share format,” where small groups will travel together around the room and meet with each of the presenters. You will meet new friends, and leave emboldened to excel in your next presentation––maybe at CARLDIG-S!
Leading with courage, candor, and authenticity: an open dialog for newly appointed leaders
Have you been appointed head, assistant/associate director, supervisor, manager, or similar for the first time within the last two years? Feeling out of breath from juggling all of your new responsibilities? Or do you anticipate becoming a leader in the near future and want a glimpse behind the curtain? Join a candid discussion with librarians who have also recently stepped into collections and technical services leadership roles and are right there with you. Panelists will each touch on a different challenge and/or benefit of taking on a library leadership position and then invite attendees to enrich the subject by contributing their own perspectives and experiences.
Attendees can expect to hear tips, tricks, and advice about topics such as training, mentorship, advocacy, communication, workload, staffing, emotional labor, and navigating campus politics. The open dialog format will not only allow attendees to actively participate in and contribute their own ideas to the session, but will also help facilitate networking for participants who are having difficulty finding peer librarians with similar responsibilities now that they are in a new role. Bring your business cards and come prepared to share your struggles and triumphs with the room as we strive to make it a little less lonely and overwhelming at the top.
LibGuides for Equity and Inclusion
LibGuides are essential teaching tools for synchronous and asynchronous research. The University of La Verne has a diverse student body that includes traditional undergraduates, master’s and doctoral students, and non-traditional adult learners. In an effort to improve access and inclusivity, the librarians at Wilson Library redesigned their LibGuides to make them mobile friendly, inclusive, and more visually accessible and appealing. They incorporated web accessibility design as well as well as best practices for creating and designing LibGuides, including soliciting feedback from student library workers. In this session we will present strategies and research to help librarians create LibGuides that are more meaningful for students.
3:15 pm
Valuing the whole student: Supporting student employees/interns in the library through authentic, caring connections
During this roundtable, attendees will discuss ways to better support
students working or interning in the library through authentic
connections and communication. Potential discussion questions may
– How are we giving our students meaningful, lasting experiences that will benefit them outside of their time in school?
What was a time when you felt inauthentic in your communication with
student workers/interns (if any)? What would have been the benefit of
approaching this situation with more candor?
– How can we be more authentic in our interactions with students working in the library?
– What problems might authenticity and caring communication help solve?
In what ways is authenticity difficult for librarians and/or student
workers/interns? What is the role of privilege in maintaining authentic
– What can we do to better support students who are struggling with mental health issues or with food insecurity?
roundtable will be of interest to any librarian working directly with
students but will be of particular interest to librarians who supervise
student workers or employees.
4:00 pm
“It Feels Like You’re the Only One”: Native American Students and the Academic Library
How well are academic libraries meeting the needs of Native American students? This session will present findings from interviews with Native American undergraduate students at one university about their library experiences, perceptions, and needs. Through in-depth interviews exploring issues related to library services, space, and culture, Native American students shared their perspectives on the academic library. Findings identify some issues facing Native American students in academic libraries as well as ways to improve libraries to better serve Native American students. This session will also explore some aspects of qualitative research design, including ethical considerations and reflective research practices.
Authentic encounters of the instructional kind: From Practitioner Pedagogue to Interstellar Intersectionalist
Information literacy instruction is a complex, ever-changing endeavor. Instruction librarians today have expertise in pedagogy, technology, reflective teaching practices, or student advocacy. Come learn from presenters’ expertise in different aspects of instruction with our “speed-dating” style round table session. Learn how each of our presenters approach instruction, and engage in a short group conversation before speaking with the next instruction librarian. Each presenter share five-minutes on a recent project or instructional approach. Following their presentations, our experts will take questions and lead a discussion from the group of attendees. In following our speed dating set-up, at the end of 10 minutes, our experts rotate to a new group of attendees and engage with them. Join us, learn, and engage with up to 5 experts on different aspects of library instruction.
Games and Gaming in Your Library: Opportunities, Pitfalls, Advice
Academic libraries have traditionally focused on instruction, workshops
and outreach. More recently, they have started to consider programming
opportunities that are not solely focused on instruction – programs that
consider the whole students, rather than just their academic side. In
this roundtable discussion, learn about and share your experiences with
implementing games and gaming into your library programming. Even if you
do not have a formal gaming program, or don’t have ready access to
games, come and learn about ways that you can get started in your
Grief and loss in the library: Demonstrating compassion without burning out
This Engaging in Practice session will cover strategies for how library workers can support one another when one of their colleagues is suffering, and how bereavement can sometimes lead to post-traumatic growth in individuals who have experienced loss. Through sharing my story of loss and leading reflective exercises, I hope to help those managing the death of someone close to them or supporting someone in their workplace who is bereaved, doing good work when it can sometimes feel pointless to try.
There is a small amount of scholarship in the LIS and academic literature about bereavement and its effects on higher education workers. For example, a piece in C&RL News published in April 2016 discussed the strategies that several librarians used for coping with the death of a close colleague and friend. Bereavement leaves and benefits for grieving employees vary widely across workplaces, and libraries are no different.
Taking the time to think through what you intend in your individual approach to support a grieving colleague can help you to be more present, more true to your comfort level, and more genuine in your relationship to them. In this session, participants will reflect on techniques that they might use when assisting colleagues with developing benchmarks for professional expectations, while managing their own personal responses to bereavement. Participants will also identify formal and informal support systems that they feel comfortable sharing with the bereaved. Participants will also learn about post-traumatic growth, an explosive period of change and achievement during and after loss. Participants can elect to share their own personal stories, but this is not required to be engaged with this session. Participants are expected to keep the stories of others confidential to the session, and are encouraged to reflect on the experience and its potential effect on their work.
5th June 2020
9:00 am
Critical Literacies: Digital Literacy, Social Justice, and the Academic Library
The realities of position scope creep faced by many librarians, and the urgent needs of our students, mean that digital literacy instruction has become an integral part of the labor performed by many librarians engaged in reference, instruction, and other student support functions. In attempting to meet student needs in the moment, are we doing our students and ourselves a disservice? How could bringing planning and intention to the provision of digital literacy support services help students and empower librarians as advocates for student needs?
By speaking to these difficult questions, I hope to problematize the assumption made by many instructors, administrators, and even librarians that students who are “digital natives” are entering college with the computer proficiency they need to succeed. By shedding light onto the often unseen, unacknowledged and uncompensated labor many librarians are putting into supporting these users we reflect on how such invisible labor may in fact mask larger issues of educational inequity.
After exploring the social justice implications of limited access to digital literacy support for already marginalized students as well as the effects of related scope creep on librarians, this presentation will describe how a reference coordinator and instruction librarian at an urban public comprehensive university has begun to strategically address gaps in students’ digital literacy competencies.
Attendees can expect to leave this session with strategies to help librarians define an acceptable scope for their digital literacy instruction services, identify opportunities to integrate digital literacy competencies into existing instruction, develop campus partnerships, and advocate for the necessary resources within and outside the library to support this essential work.
Engaging Faculty Empathy and Creativity into Collaborations
Librarians support students outside the classroom and swoop in like super heroes for “one-shots” to get students “information literate.” Consequently, we often imagine (and publish) all the conversations we’d like to have with faculty versus the ones we’re actually having; in other words, “we know how to help students with their research, so why won’t you stop, collaborate, and listen!” To expand instruction beyond the traditional “one-shot” model and collaborate with faculty in creative ways, I piloted a workshop titled “Faculty Research Freestyle: Developing Your Unique Research Freestyle to Share with Students.” The workshop was a response to two critical questions I wanted to ask faculty: When was the last time you honestly put yourself in the role of your student navigating a research assignment for the first time? Furthermore, have you ever reflected on your research process as a means to finding your unique style of teaching information literacy skills? The description publicized was less aggressive of course, although it started with this invitation to think about research anew: “When thinking of freestyle, we often think of improvised dance, off-the-cuff lyricism, and intuitive creation. Research is also worthy of inventive possibilities!” The foundation to all this “freestyling” was engaging faculty to empathize with students, while playfully gaining the confidence to create their own mini-one shots. For this session librarians will create and share other models of faculty engagement designed around empathy, as well as explore strategies to be more empathic questioners/listeners in the collaborative process.
Engaging Staff in Cultivating a More Holistic Work Environment
This round table discussion will offer actionable ideas for all levels
of library staff to move beyond operational work to cultivate a
human-centered work environment. The UC Santa Cruz Reserves & Media
team has spent the past year experimenting with expanding our
definitions of professionalism and productivity to incorporate a variety
of views and approaches. Some of our experiments included email-free
workdays, meetings devoted to reading and discussing shared articles and
book excerpts, and taking concrete steps towards fostering more
inclusivity within the library and on our campus. As part of the User
Services & Resource Sharing department, we are often the first point
of contact for our library. We can be better representatives for the
library and university by expanding our awareness of varied ideas and
Our discussion will also include the benefits of
pursuing work that is traditionally outside the scope of library staff
duties—building what is sometimes referred to as “soft skills.” We
believe it is critical to acknowledge that we are humans with personal
lives, work lives, emotions, and unique experiences that inform how we
do our work. Discussing these topics and experimenting with new
approaches and ideas allows us to better understand each other and leads
to greater collaboration and teamwork. We will engage the participants
with questions that have arisen for us, including the pressing question:
how can we change our organizational structures to allow us to bring
our whole selves to work? Library staff, especially hourly staff,
typically have less time to engage in creative endeavors at work. We
will show that dedicating time to creating a more holistic work
environment across the library is a path to greater diversity,
inclusivity, and openness. This work inspires courage and allyship,
centers underrepresented groups, and allows us to speak from a
background of knowledge.
Latinx Students in a Hispanic-Serving Institution’s Academic Library
Institutions of higher education, academic libraries, and the Latinx student population have changed greatly over the last two decades. The number of Latinx students enrolled in higher education has increased 142% between 2000 and 2017, and there are now 523 Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI).
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) is an HSI where 30.2% of undergraduates are Latinx. The presenters, both UNLV alumni, wanted to build upon and expand on previous research about Latinx undergraduate students and academic libraries. They specifically modeled their research on Denice Adkins and Lisa Hussey’s article “The Library in the Lives of Latino College Students.” Adkins and Hussey conducted 7 interviews in 2002 that asked students: Do [Latinx students] feel alienated from the library as an institution? What do they think about the library and about librarians? Does the library serve a cultural role for [Latinx students]?
In spring 2020, the presenters administered surveys and conducted interviews to see how (or if) views of the library and librarians had changed. This presentation will contextualize previous research, share preliminary findings, and offer suggestions for academic librarians working in HSIs.
Reference Services in an Age of Metamorphosis
As new and innovative methods of conducting research arise with the rapidity of technological change, academic libraries have stepped up the pace of repurposing, reorganising, and rebranding in the attempt to provide services aimed at newly identified needs. This has had varying impact on traditional (and often expected) library services, perhaps nowhere more so than in reference services, which has moved far beyond the reference desk and transformed in ways as diverse as the institutions they serve.
This panel will survey reference services as they are currently configured at their own varied libraries, as well as plans to change or enhance reference services to meet and anticipate the evolving needs of students and researchers. Whether face-to-face or virtual; on the desk, on call, or on-line; staffed by librarians, library staff, or students, the pros and cons for both libraries and their users will be described and discussed, along with implications for the future of the library as we know it.
9:30 am
Fostering Inclusivity: LIS Diversity Programs and Initiatives
Despite the growing focus on diversity and recruitment by library
schools and institutions like ALA, SAA, ACRL among others, the
demographics have only narrowly shifted. The focus of many of these
programs tends to be on current LIS students or those with expressed
interest in the profession. But how can institutions build and foster
diversity programs that aim to support prospective undergraduate and
graduate students and library staff and student workers?
the perspective of two budding LIS diversity programs at CSU, Los
Angeles and CSU, Dominguez Hills designed to expose student workers to
the profession, we argue that at the heart of starting and sustaining
these type of programs, institutions must identify and leverage their
individual strengths. The student bodies of CSU, Los Angeles and CSU,
Dominguez Hills are overwhelmingly comprised of students of color, many
first generation and working class. Many of the library student
assistants come from diverse backgrounds and have the potential to be
successful in library school graduate programs. Igniting student
interest and preparing them to be competitive in the field requires a
strong commitment from institutions in the form of time, resources, and
collaborative partnerships.
In this round table session, the
discussion will revolve around how to start and sustain a diversity
program by identifying institutional strengths, recruitment,
intentionality, mentorship, and building meaningful
10:15 am
“Come As You Are”: Disrupting Professionalism through Authenticity
California State San Marcos University Library’s institutional values center around social justice, including promoting equity and celebrating difference. Despite CSUSM Library’s inclusive values, we–four, cisgender female library faculty of color–still feel accountable to professional standards in LIS that are inherently gendered, classed, and raced, and also visibly surface White privilege in Western academia. In considering what is “acceptable” presentation and behavior, we often find ourselves emulating a Eurocentric aesthetic (e.g. cardigans, cat-eye glasses, etc.) to counteract negative stereotypes (Pagowsky and Rigby, 2014). Kendrick terms this behavior deauthentication, or downplaying our cultural, racial, social, and political identities in order to reduce microaggressions and hostility in the workplace (2018).
Our pedagogy and research frameworks prioritize the experiential knowledge of marginalized people which is contested by White-dominant assumptions of higher education. Our authority and expertise is questioned by students and faculty of record alike when we push up against sacrosanct academic values such as objectivity and neutrality (Quiñonez, Nataraj, & Olivas, 2020). Authenticity can be complicated by monolithic ideas around race and identity if we don’t possess the markers of femininity, phenotype, language, or culture that our students do. In this way, our real selves can put us at a remove from the students we’re trying to connect with. One of us is a manager who balances creating authentic, trusting relationships with her department employees and the pressure to prove herself in a primarily White profession. Our presentation touches on all these aspects of authenticity through the lens of our lived experiences which inform and, at times, disrupt our professional identity and interactions with students and faculty. We will also discuss how we have developed affirming support systems among library faculty of color at CSUSM that embolden us to be our whole selves as much as possible across all areas of our work.
Decolonizing Digital Collections
The need to remove bias from, or to decolonize, library collections and
library metadata has been a topic of discussion in the professional
library field for several years. In 2001, Hope Olson stated libraries
“must be held accountable for poor and biased access to information” in
her influential article “The Power to Name.” As stewards of the
collections in our care, how can we more effectively serve the
communities who use and are represented in these collections? At the
UCSC library, we have engaged in conversations to address this topic on
several fronts. We have evaluated subject descriptors in our local
digital objects metadata and identified subject headings that label
subjects by gender, race, and ethnicity when that information was not
otherwise supplied by the image. Separately, we have explored solutions
to the lack of representation for scientists from underrepresented
groups in Wikipedia, data which would have allowed us to leverage that
information using Wikidata into name authorities for digital objects in
our collections. This round table session will serve as a forum for
librarians to brainstorm, and to speak to their local efforts to
mitigate bias and to increase the visibility of content by and about
underrepresented populations.
Recent Trends in Mindfulness and Contemplative Pedagogy in Higher Education: The Brain Booth Initiative
Mindfulness has been around for thousands of year within specific cultures over the world but only lately has started to make its way into the higher education classroom of the western world. Mindfulness is a mental state of focused attention in the present moment without judgmental perspectives. Contemplative pedagogy has become recently a growing field of interest in colleges and universities. Contemplative pedagogy offers educational methods that support the development of student attention, emotional balance, empathetic connection, compassion, and altruistic behavior, while also providing new pedagogical techniques that support creativity and the learning of course content (Zajonc, 2013). Lately, librarians have started to pay attention to mindfulness and to engage with mindfulness activities (Karadjova, 2019, 2018; Mastel & Innes, 2013; Moniz et al., 2015; Mourer & Karadjova, 2017; Ruhlmann, 2017, etc.). Our practices have evolved to meet the needs of today’s students.
The Brain Booth initiative at the Humboldt State University (HSU) Library ( is an innovative project promoting mindfulness and contemplative pedagogy as a means of introducing students to metacognition for academic success. The Brain Booth is an experiential space to learn about the mind body connection, reduce stress and optimize learning. This initiative addresses an essential need of our students. Nowadays, college students face a lot of different challenges in a very fast-paced society. In general, they have to navigate between two major factors affecting their performance and wellbeing, namely, copying with stress and dealing with distractions to sustain productive cognitive activities.
The Brain Booth offers mindfulness practices through Intentional Brain Breaks and activities that support Emotional Self-Regulation and foster Singular Thoughtful Focus. During the past year the Brain Booth had 1,000+ visitors. The Brain Booth has been embedded across HSU curricula in 7 departments and 11 courses and also provides 2 SkillShops on Well-being and Stress Management per week during the academic year.
Karadjova, K.G. (2019). Mindfulness Experiences at the Library Brain Booth in Recipes for Mindfulness in Your Library: Supporting Resilience and Community Engagement. Chicago: ALA.
Karadjova, K.G. (2018). Mindfulness and Gamification in the Higher Education Classroom: Friends or Foes?, The International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’18), June 2018, Valencia, Spain.
Mastel, K., & Innes, G. (2013). Insights and practical tips on practicing mindful librarianship to manage stress. LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal, 23(1), 1-8.
Moniz, R., Eshleman, J., Henry, J., Slutzky, H., & Moniz, L. (2015). The Mindful Librarian: Connecting the Practice of Mindfulness to Librarianship. Chandos Publishing.
Mourer, M. M & Karadjova, K.G. (2017). Dare to Share the Silence: Tools & Practices of Contemplative Pedagogy in a Library Brain Booth, In S. Kurbanoglu et al. (Eds.) Information Literacy in the Workplace. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
Ruhlmann, E. (2017). Mindful librarianship. American Libraries, 48(6), 44-47.
Zajonc, A. (2013). Contemplative pedagogy: a quiet revolution in higher education. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2013(134), 83-94.
Sharing their stories: Making oral histories accessible to a wider audience
Curious about oral history projects? Want to learn about the process and perhaps use primary sources in your teaching, or even conduct your own oral history project?
This presentation will report on an oral history project at a small maritime university. The project began as a class project collaboration between history faculty, students and the library. Eventually the library and archives continued to maintain the project outside the classroom setting, increasing the gender diversity of interview subjects and expanding access to the recordings. The collection currently includes personal commentaries from a variety of alumni, as well as former academy presidents and long-time faculty. Recent additions include members of the first female graduating class of 1976.
Until recently, access to the existing oral history recordings had been like searching for buried treasure—they lacked appropriate metadata to make them discoverable, and if a researcher was lucky enough to stumble upon one, they were often unedited, untranscribed video file downloads. Beginning in Spring 2020, the library and archives began a process to turn the oral history recordings into a digital collection, to make the videos available for students, faculty, staff, alumni and interested community members. Once the videos are on an accessible platform with captions and transcripts, they can be used as primary sources in a variety of courses.
Center outsider voices. Collaborate with faculty and students. Incorporate primary sources into your research and instruction practice. Come to this session!
What’s New at IEEE
Please join IEEE at the virtual CARL Conference to learn more about many valuable tools and resources available from IEEE to help your organization successfully transition during this global pandemic and how to be prepared to drive innovation despite current and future challenges. Hear the latest news about the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, including free COVID-19 related resources, new remote access solutions to optimize distance learning, as well as new eBooks, eLearning courses and publications coming soon to IEEE Xplore. Our team will also discuss new initiatives in open science and reproducible research, recent and upcoming enhancements to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, and why IEEE continues to provide the best return on your investment. In addition, there will be plenty of time to ask questions and provide feedback on IEEE products. All IEEE subscribers, and those who are interested in subscribing to IEEE information, are encouraged to attend.
10:45 am
Trusting Students: Student-generated source evaluation criteria
Teaching undergraduate students to evaluate information effectively is
an ongoing challenge for instruction librarians. We feel enormous
urgency to foster students’ development of the critical-thinking skills
they need to navigate a large, evolving, complex and sometimes
intentionally distorted information landscape. In my experience,
checklists such as the CRAAP test can reinforce each student’s existing
inclination to be either suspicious or trusting, while a more nuanced
approach can leave students confused. There is a robust professional
conversation around teaching source evaluation; is it possible that
existing approaches incorporate too much of librarians’ perspective, and
not enough of students’? Open pedagogy and critical information
literacy offer a possible way forward by envisioning turning control of
evaluation criteria over to students. This round table will explore
librarians’ experiences with, and perceptions of, student-created
evaluation criteria. Have you asked students to develop their own source
evaluation criteria? Would you? Why or why not? Does your experience
offer any insight that could help other librarians teach effectively in
this important area?
11:30 am
Building Strategic Consensus – a Grassroots Planning Process
Many strategic plans start from a top-down approach, with a committee or key group of stakeholders making decisions affecting the entire organization. While the process of developing and implementing a comprehensive strategic plan requires significant tactical work, it can also foster a more inclusive, staff-centered organization. The Gleeson Library | Geschke Learning Resource Center at the University of San Francisco has just completed its first library-wide strategic plan. In alignment with our values and mission, we intentionally chose a more democratic, grass-roots process designed to build consensus and foster inclusivity by engaging and empowering staff across all departments.
In this forum, we’ll discuss how we built a collaborative, library-wide process that engaged everyone in brainstorming, crafting, prioritizing and executing on the final strategic plan. While our presentation will discuss key tactical strategic planning steps we took that worked (and some that did not), our goal for this panel presentation is not to emphasize the nuts and bolts of strategic planning, but rather the community-building potential. Attendees will come away from this panel with concrete, actionable steps they can take in building their own strategic initiatives based on USF’s success in creating an inclusive model that solicited and implemented feedback from all library staff.
Decentering Policies
In this Engaging in Practice session the presenter will
share the consultative process they and their colleagues engaged in to produce
a reciprocal set of community standards that commit library personnel and
library users to creating “an inclusive, affirming, and welcoming space.” The
presenter works at a private university best described as a predominantly white
institution (PWI) with significant and growing Latino/a/x, Black, and Native
American student populations. Even as demographics change and with a diverse
library staff, White institutional presence (WIP) persists in policies and
practices with the possible effect of negatively shaping social, academic, and
professional experiences (Gusa, 2010). Rather than focus on a code of conduct
or set of policies that look like a laundry list of “don’ts” that reflect a
White, middle-class worldview, we decided to focus our policy-making on
creating equitable, safe, and anti-oppressive spaces for library users and
In public-facing services, power relations between library
workers and library users are complex and shifting. With this in mind we
engaged the entire library staff in several rounds of defining expectations for
student and employee behavior, consulted with other academic support units and
with student groups. Through consultation we negotiated language and agreed on
processes to compose a set of shared principles and practices for working in
the collaborative and alone-together spaces of the library. This “living
document” remains a work in progress, as are the library personnel striving to
meet the aspirations of our new policy. Barnard Library’s “Community
Agreements” served as our starting point, an example of inclusive standards
with a goal of anti-oppressive behaviors and actions.
The presenter will ask attendees to participate in small
group activities and large group discussion to facilitate consideration of
multiple perspectives in developing community standards, including decentering
normative understandings of language and processes.
Gusa, D. L. (2010). White institutional presence: The impact
of whiteness on campus climate. Harvard Educational Review 80(4): 464-489).
Infographics as a tool for equity in reference and instruction
Let’s be honest. Are we really providing equitable reference services and information literacy instruction for online, distance, and off-campus students? Meeting students’ needs and sustaining their attention in an asynchronous, online environment can be challenging, and it takes a lot of time to create digital resources like videos, tutorials, and research guides. Infographics are an ideal, multimodal tool for effectively engaging students by visualizing library spaces, services, and research processes. At California State University, Dominguez Hills, many of our students commute to campus, work full-time, rely primarily on mobile devices, and take online classes. In addition to providing videos and computer-based tutorials, we use interactive infographics as reference and instruction tools to orient students to our library’s physical spaces and information literacy concepts both in-person and online. These infographics supplement and complement other resources such as Frequently Asked Questions, research guides, tutorials, and class handouts to meet our students’ needs. In this session, participants will learn about free tools and design principles for creating instructional infographics, and work collaboratively to translate common library processes into engaging visualizations. We’ll also discuss critical considerations of equity and inclusion in infographics through access, representation, language, and accessibility.
So you want to put on a workshop? Ask us anything! (plus some answers you may not have thought of yet)
In developing this year’s SCIL Works program we realized that the soft
skills, unspoken tasks, and administrative work that goes into creating a
half-day program are (while doable) very much part of the institutional
memory of the board who are often senior members of the board or
steering committee. Space to share important work and ideas is needed
to allow voices, who haven’t been elected (yet) or are new to an
existing organization, to ask about which strings to pull on to make a
workshop successful. Sometimes members need to be told that they won’t
break (insert acronym here) if something goes poorly or there’s not
enough coffee. This discussion will create a space for people who want
to continue to grow and share their expertise together and talk about
how you turn those ideas into a call for proposals, find a space to
host, and ask for space or help from parent organizations and interest
groups. We hope that by having a low-stakes inherently interactive
space to discuss ‘the how’ of putting together short programs will
encourage people who are new to the space to come join us in a lively
discussion.. Join us and come share your knowledge if you are
experienced or just want to learn how you can put on a half day
workshop. Let’s talk about how we can best facilitate the conference
you’ve always imagined.
The Challenge of One-Sized Fits All: Undergraduate Disciplinary Learning Standards and the ACRL Framework
Does an engineer view IL in the same way that sociologist does? How do
disciplines integrate information literacy (IL) within their own
documents? Does the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy match those
disciplinary conceptions? These are some of the questions the
researchers sought to address in their CARL Research Grant funded study
by mapping the Framework to individual standard documents. The session
will include a discussion of the study’s research methods, initial
findings, the challenges the researchers faced both related to the
project specifically and as new researchers, and how the project will
move forward after this first phase of data collection.
12:00 pm
Resilient Librarians: Bouncing back from instruction failures
Disengaged students, vague requests to “show them the library
resources”, or lack of an audience can act as roadblocks for instruction
librarians. How do we as professionals maintain our confidence and
ability when instructional failures have us second guessing our approach
or decisions? This roundtable discussion provides attendees an
opportunity to discuss how they handle presentations or instruction
sessions that fall flat or miss the mark. Having the ability to be
flexible, while prioritizing audience need can get you back on track,
even if it means taking a different path. Librarianship requires
resilience and disaster planning to reduce mistakes, redesign and revise
plans, and develop best practices for future presentations.
Facilitators and attendees will discuss how we reflect on these
experiences to address how our practices have evolved to meet our users’
needs moving forward.
1:30 pm
Keynote Plenary – Working as a “free ass muhfucka”: authenticity as a revolutionary act for social change
Librarianship is a field comprised of roughly 90% white librarians. For people of color working in any library environment, this statistic often means you are “the only one” in your workplace. Such singleness heightens the probability that we may not bring our whole selves to work. It begs the question. What happens to racial and ethnic minority librarians – and our colleagues – when we do this? Using my own experiences as a framework, I will explore the link between how society conditions racial and ethnic minority librarians to fit into white social and professional norms and the effect of that conditioning on both those in the minority and the majority. I will show that the best way for socio-professional change to occur, in all facets of libraries, be it collection development, faculty outreach and student success, is for people of color to work as “free ass muhfuckas.”
2:45 pm
Ask us how? Analyzing the visual appeal, placement, and language used to describe and promote reference services
Many academic libraries have an “Ask Us” (or similar) web page on their
website which describes user options for obtaining reference services
(in person, telephone, email, text, chat/instant message, appointments,
and more).
This CARL Research Grant-funded project explored four related research questions:
1. How do academic libraries in California describe and display their reference service options on their websites?
How do students interpret the description and organization of reference
service options commonly found on academic library websites?
3. What process do students use to select a mode of reference service?
4. What does a student’s ideal “Ask Us” web page look like?
presentation will share the data collected from analyzing the “Ask Us”
web pages from over 100 academic libraries in California, along with the
prominent themes and a ha” moments from student interviews examining
the description and organization for reference services on library
Session attendees can use the lessons learned from
this research project to determine how they might incorporate student
perspectives into the description and presentation of reference services
at their library.
Diversity in Academic Libraries (DIAL) Interest Group Showcase
In part 1 of our interactive session, our facilitators will lead a discussion on how academic library workers of color can think through and plan their careers strategies. Discussions may include barriers, opportunities and reflections on building one’s career in academic libraries. As you think about this, one thing that may enter your mind is where recruitment, retention and self-care come in. In part 2 of our program, we will get help on what will help us thrive. In an 87% white profession, many academic librarians of color feel ostracized by white notions of professionalism and other biases. This begins in library school and continues throughout our careers. Providing support and guidance to POCs just entering the profession is crucial to overcoming some of the barriers that the whiteness of our profession poses. There are opportunities for librarians of color to help each other navigate the professional space in a local context. At an institution with an LIS program, one way is to provide mentoring to library students of color. A former graduate student research assistant (GSRA) and current GSRA will talk about the impact of the mentorship relationship between them and how it has helped them thrive at their library. This portion of the presentation will feature a padlet for attendees to engage with the following questions: How do you practice self-care? How do you prevent burnout? How do you practice mentorship? How do you mentor others? The speakers welcome and encourage your participation and will use the responses to create a digital zine for distribution following the event.
Sustainability is All Around Us
We feel it in our instruction, we feel it in our outreach. . .there is no beginning and there is no end if we all strive to bring sustainability into libraryland! Because we center inclusion and equity in our professional practices in LIS, we understand the critical connection between social justice values and environmental sustainability. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals address the global issues that include quality education, inequality, climate, sustainable cities and communities, and responsible consumption and production. Climate change is a polarizing concern and as our natural resources wane, access to credible information sources becomes ever more privileged and limited. As library workers, we have a vested interest in exploring how sustainability impacts (and is impacted by) research and scholarship. Our candor in raising and promoting conversations around sustainability will certainly have reverberating impacts on our profession and physical spaces.This presentation will provide examples on how libraries can apply sustainable principles to our activities, services, and outreach in authentic ways that foster genuine connection and facilitate solutions that benefit the broader campus community. We will consider sustainability through the “triple bottom line” and how the application of these concepts can be used in academic library work. Case studies related to library instruction, staff training, and outreach events will be shared so attendees can implement similar strategic approaches at their institutions.
Transgender Allyship in Libraries
This highly interactive workshop will provide an introduction to creating transgender and gender non-conforming inclusive library spaces. Participants will learn skills applicable to library instruction, staff meetings, and other professional settings. Additional resources on transgender allyship will be provided.