Sponsorship Requirements
We believe that the vendors we invite to participate in CARL must be good stewards of information and uphold the ALA Code of Ethics. Since our vendors have a great deal of access to librarians throughout the state of California through the CARL Conference, we will only be inviting vendors who:
- Are dedicated to the sharing of knowledge and research first and foremost over profit
- Engage in good faith negotiations and are transparent in their motives, negotiation and pricing structures1
- Respect the privacy and humanity of our users, and do not not engage in the practice of selling information to law enforcement
- Use taxpayer money through publicly-funded institutions in an ethically, morally, and socially responsible way2
We understand that this may reduce our resources to put on a conference that is comparable to conferences in the past. We believe, however, that we are well past the point to allow vendors who do not uphold our values access to librarians and libraries throughout California. In order to mitigate the potential loss of revenue from sponsors, CARL will be implementing a Member Sponsor option for those attendees who would like to support the conference for their fellow librarians.
If you have any questions about the sponsorships, please contact Adolfo Prieto, CSU Fullerton, aprieto@fullerton.edu. There is a separate registration page for sponsors.
CARL Patron — $500.00
- Logo on the conference website
- Logo in the conference program, both printed and online
- Exhibit table at the welcome reception*
CARL Associate — $1000.00
- CARL Patron sponsorship benefits, plus
- One complimentary conference registration
- Quarter-page message or advertisement in the conference program, both printed and online
- Logo included on a poster to be displayed at the conference
CARL Navigator — $2000.00
- CARL Patron sponsorship benefits, plus
- One complimentary conference registration
- Complimentary accommodation in one room for one night at the conference hotel, inclusive of room rate and tax only
- Sponsorship of a preconference or conference session, with acknowledgement provided at the beginning of the session by a CARL representative
- Half-page message or advertisement in the conference program, both printed and online
- Logo included on a poster to be displayed at the conference
- Logo/sponsor acknowledgement in registration confirmation e-mails sent to conference attendees
CARL President’s Circle — $3000.00
- CARL Patron sponsorship benefits, plus
- Two complimentary conference registrations
- Complimentary accommodation in one room for two nights at the conference hotel, inclusive of room rate and tax only
- Sponsorship of the keynote speaker or invited paper, with an opportunity to provide a promotional message to be read by a CARL representative prior to the presentation
- Opportunity to have promotional materials at attendee tables or a separate table at room entrance
- Prominent placement of logo on the cover of the conference program, both printed and online
- Full-page message or advertisement in the conference program, both printed and online
- Logo included on a poster to be displayed at the conference
- Logo/sponsor acknowledgement in registration confirmation e-mails sent to conference attendees
- Two e-mails to be sent by CARL on your behalf to registered conference attendees who have opted in to receive sponsor-generated communications
*Please note that if you are not attending the conference, we would be happy to place promotional materials on your behalf.
Individual Sponsorships – For CARL Members and Conference Attendees
New in 2020 is the opportunity for individual CARL members and conference attendees to contribute to the success of the conference through a donation in an amount of their choosing. As a member of the academic library community in California, we rely on members who can contribute to make the conference successful for all librarians who attend. You will be recognized as a sponsor in the list of sponsors on the website and in the conference program (if you choose).
In addition to your sponsorship of the conference, please also consider these additional funding opportunities:
Ilene F. Rockman Scholarship Fund — $250.00
Your contribution to the Ilene F. Rockman Scholarship Fund or the CARL Research Award provides the opportunity for a librarian to attend either the CARL or ACRL Conference, or the opportunity for librarians to conduct research on a topic important to librarianship.
- Listed as a supporter on the conference website and in the conference program (in addition to the benefits of the selected sponsorship level above)
- Recognition at the awards luncheon
Child Care Voucher Fund – $250
Your contribution will be used to offer vouchers of up to $250 per librarian to assist with child care costs. *New in 2020
Presenter Travel Grants Fund – $500
Your contributions will assist librarians who may work at universities without ample travel or professional development budgets to present at the conference. *New in 2020
Conference Presentation by Vendor Sponsor — $500.00
You will have an opportunity to present a one-hour breakout session of your own, with the session listed in the conference program. This also includes complimentary one-day registration for the presenter.
Coffee Break — $1500.00
As a break sponsor, your additional support will be recognized on the conference website and in the conference program. Coffee breaks will be held on Thursday and Friday afternoon of the conference. A sign will be prominently placed thanking the sponsor.
Meal – $2500
As a meal sponsor, your additional support will be recognized on the conference website and in the conference program. Materials of your choice can be placed on the tables for attendees. A sign will be prominently placed thanking the sponsor. Eligible meals are Breakfast Keynote (Thursday), Boxed Lunch (Thursday), Networking Happy Hour (Thursday), Breakfast Keynote (Friday). * New in 2020